Your Rut Is Leading You Exactly Where You Want To Go

Have you ever been stuck in a rut? Have you ever gotten out of a long term rut? Can’t remember? Maybe you’ve been stuck in a rut for so long, the first response that comes to your mind is “No”. 

Being stuck is a fairly common ailment in western culture, and I would presume globally. It is something that tears at our insides, weighs us down, exhausts and frustrates us. It’s prime time for self-loathing behavior, addictions, and unhealthy distractions. If we are not thinking negatively, feeling negative, or participating in a self-destructive behavior, then we are likely numbing out the pain with alcohol, medication, TV or food. Pick your poison.

While these types of coping mechanisms may not always seem like the best option, what if they were exactly what you needed to move you on your path? Would you feel just a bit better about that hangover? Maybe those extra pounds aren’t such a bad thing.

What I am getting at is this: the beauty of these coping mechanisms is two-fold: one, it allows your energy to continue moving where it may have been cut off, and two, they will not work forever. The last point is a guarantee. This is why people end up in Alcoholics Anonymous and rehabs so often. The drug, alcohol, pornography, or whatever escape no longer reduced the incredible pain of living another day. And this is a good thing.

What I find so frustrating about self-help culture today is this repetitive notion that you are doing something wrong as you are. That you need to find the “motivation” to go out and pound the pavement so you can build yourself into a ferocious lion who demands what they want. Well, I will tell you something, I have tried that approach so so so many times. And you know what it led me to? Debt, increased self-loathing and a renewed sense of worthlessness. “Oh,” I will think. “So it turns out that getting into good shape wasn’t enough. I must truly be broken then.” Or, “Well that scheme certainly failed miserably. I am definitely not good enough.” And then, I get the lovely reminder to “Rise and Grind” from my Instagram feed. This is why I stopped using Instagram.

First off: There is nothing wrong with you where you’re at no matter who you are. Even if you are sitting in jail on murder charges, you are still a perfect being and I love you. I would hug you if I were with you, but you’ll have to settle for my word in this blog post. Learning to be okay with where you’re at, no matter how many things you can find wrong with it, no matter how much anxiety and depression you deal with on a daily basis, no matter what others think of you, is a crucial part of the process. However, so was all that rising and grinding you did.

What I am getting at is this: On your journey in life, you will take many “wrong” steps. You will try things that do not work out. You will get rejected. You will feel badly about yourself. However, you will also succeed. You will feel good about yourself. You will find acceptance. And guess what, there is no set order for these occurrences. They will happen side by side. One day you will wake up feeling like a champion and then next you will struggle to get out of bed. While you can certainly up the average in favor of feeling like a champion, it is simply not natural to always be in such an exalted state. It is out of alignment with the natural cycle and rhythms here in this human experience.

You have definitely heard this before: Without the bad there cannot be good. Well, that is not just a saying. That is a reminder that all experiences are acceptable. That every feeling has it’s place. That you are not a failure for failing. And you are not a winner for winning. You are not better or worse than anyone, you are simply contributing different data into the collective consciousness, all of which is massively valuable. Does that make your misery feel any better? Ha ha.

The good news is that I am hardly suggesting that you will fail forever. In fact, if you have been in a rut for what seems like an unbearably long time, take solace in this message: that pain is going to reach a point in which you’re only possible next move, that gorgeous “next logical step” i discussed in my last blog post, is to actually align with the right circumstance and/ or situation. It may be followed by a series of mishaps while you get your footing, and it very well may be preceded by a series of mishaps while you reach your boiling point, however, if you have that gnawing feeling of being in a rut, know that your awareness of that feeling is a good indication that it will resolve someway, somehow. The more aware you are of the feeling and what it is telling you about yourself, the more aligned your progression will be.

Negative feelings and emotions are symptomatic of a 3rd-dimensional lack mentality. The suffering we feel indicates that the thoughts we are thinking are misaligned with our higher selves. Essentially, as many of us say in the “spiritual community” (Can we please get a new moniker?), they are false thoughts. Lies. Downright dirty lies that do not reflect the truth of who you are.

The truth of who you are is abundant, capable, expansive, impressive, beautiful, rich, creative, infinite, divine… Do I need to go on? If your thoughts are not reflecting this truth than you can bet your bottom dollar that you are out of alignment. Maybe you should go ahead and bet that bottom dollar so you finally make the leap of faith required to truly find alignment with yourself. 

What I mean is this: take a step back from the immediate pain you are experiencing in relation to your current circumstances and find that space of knowing that all is well, that you are being divinely guided, that you cannot mess up, go wrong or in any other terms stray from the path you are meant to be on. You are always on the right path. It is always right in front of you. The information and circumstances you need for your ascension, in this case, I simply mean climbing out of that rut and stepping into the version of you that makes you feel on cloud 9, that information is always right in front of you, believe it or not. Sometimes you have to hit a wall a few dozen or thousand times before you will realize it. Some of you will even reject that premise and say “No! I am NOT supposed to be where I am.” To this I say, Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Break some eggs and ruffle some feathers if you are feeling in a rut. Do anything to get your energy moving and that will bring you closer to your destination, which will of course send you down a new path towards a new destination. Continue on repeat for infinity. Ha Ha. Don’t be afraid to confront your circumstances with brutal honesty. “This is not where I want to be living right now. This is not where I want to be working right now. And I don’t have a clue how to change it. Oh well, I’ll just have an oreo.”

That oreo may take your mind off the anxiety for a minute, but the effects of the chemicals and the sugar will surely compound it later, which is a good thing! No matter what you have been told about what you should eat, what you shouldn’t eat or consume, the truth is, there is not a good choice and a bad choice. There are just choices, and as my friend Ali, with the Perception Trainers likes to say, “Everything is just information.” All of the new data you will get from that cookie will matter of factly be used in your ascension process. This is why I am a proponent of the message: DO NOT FEAR THE ASCENSION.

Do not get worked up about your current diet, addictions, habits, etc, as it relates to the ascension process. The things that do not serve your highest good will fall away at some point whether you consciously choose that, or if it is subconsciously chosen for you. You will experience the information your consciousness needs to ascend, so long as you have intended to ascend. Wondering if you have intended? I hate to break it to all of you who believe in pre birth intentions, but you stand in your now right now, and it is your now intention that matters. You are the decider. Your perspective and desires are of paramount importance. It is not trivial to say that you are a God on Earth. What your opinion is, is the opinion of the all that is. That is why when you have attached to feelings and beliefs of lack, those feelings and beliefs are divinely reflected to you in circumstances. That is also why that your deep longing to overcome those circumstances, will be met with the solutions and answers to your questions. Your desire to overcome them will send you on the path towards your overcoming them. No exceptions.

I am posting below, Ali's video on why agitation is her favorte emotion. This post was heavily influenced by her wonderful work in this particular video. Please share and like her video as the information will benefit many.


  1. Great blog and very interesting to read and take in Todd, makes a lot of sense my friend xxx


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