Transmuting Toxic Behaviors During The Ascension

The move into 5D is presenting many of us who are engaged in the active process of ascension with many curious realizations and epiphanies. The rigid structures that we were indoctrinated into from birth are breaking down and many of us are questioning whether anything we’ve been told is actually true. For what we are coming to understand is that we are a part of the creation process, and thus anything we know, we, theoretically, we might say, or quite literally, many of us will now say, anything we know to be true is not a fixed truth but a mutable reality or timeline which we, with active participation and awareness, can change. That is to say, we can create a new reality just as easily as we created the one we know now. The choice is quite literally up to us.

Healing plays a big role in the ascension process because, in order for us to ascend, we must become enlightened, or relieved of the denser energies that are uncomfortable, and which we once knew to be a fact of life. We are learning that these energies are not, as we have been told, a reality, but a creation, which can be recreated or changed to reflect our new beliefs and desires. The most challenging part of this process might just be that we are not accustomed to consciously choosing our beliefs. Most of us, if not all, have been handed most of our beliefs from textbooks, teachers, doctors, and the conforming collective, even if we ourselves never actively desired to conform. These beliefs, such as beliefs in illness, and belief in being bad or wrong, or belief in lack and hardship, are deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness, providing perhaps the most challenging aspect of ascension: going against the grain and declaring to oneself that we simply choose not to believe in the denser energies.

As we traverse between the 3rd and 5th dimension, we go from wounded birds to healers working on healing, to light workers and enlightened beings. This is not a linear path, however, and while we may travel in the realm of enlightenment for a time, we quite often, and as what would seem to be part of the ascension process, fall repeatedly back into the denser energies and beliefs in hardship, lack, and suffering. What makes this process particularly tricky is that what we may come to believe after a life altering epiphany one day, is easily and likely to be made obsolete another day when we realize that even the so called life changing epiphany is not the whole truth, and sometimes even quite outdated and insufficient.

We are tasked with assuming our higher selves, beings at one with the great beyond and all that is. These beings, we understand, are versions of ourselves that simply do not experience the lower densities of illness, lack, and hardship. They do not exhibit desperation or neediness. They do not experience many of the thoughts and beliefs that we have come to see as commonplace during our time in the third dimension.

The saying, as above so below, is relevant here, as we may consider that 5d analogs quite possibly exist for all of the “lower density” energies we experienced in the 3rd dimension. However, this thought in and of itself is clearly a 3d fear based mentality. I only bring it up to address the possibility, not to reinforce it. Addressing fears about 5d is essential during the ascension process, as we must integrate all of the fear of the unknown and “bad luck” superstitions we may subconsciously carry before we can fully rest in 5d.

It has announced itself to me on more than one occasion that after assuming a 5d reality, there will coincide the epiphany that we never needed to heal anything at all. That we were always perfect, safe and abundantly well at our core. That the delusions of 3d were never anything more than just that, delusions. It’s perhaps not an easy realization to relay in words, another tricky aspect of the ascension process because we are so used to seeking and obtaining validation for our beliefs and ideas in the 3rd dimension.

To continue with this thought, that we never needed to heal anything, I am reminded of the very strong realization I had about good and evil. That there was no evil, and thus, could be no good. That even the “evil” we perceived in the 3rd dimension looked angelic in nature from a 5d perspective. Don’t like Donald Trump in 3d? From 5d it is impossible to ignore the fact that he was instrumental in the awakening of the collective. That nothing he did was in fact evil, but necessary and a blessing in no uncertain terms. I do not care to be political, this is just an example.

To continue on the notion of healing from a 5d perspective, we are told that we must eat certain foods, engage in certain behaviors, and think certain thoughts in order to transition to 5d from 3d. However, from a 5d perspective, we may acknowledge that this entire paradigm of healthy eating, exercise and positive thinking was our very own creation. That we created the rules, so why shouldn’t we be able to change them? And isn’t following rules a lack of freedom to a certain degree? Can’t I eat ice cream every day and still ascend if I choose to rework that belief? Can’t I simply become aware of my innate abilities as a creator and apply them to the physical world in order to suit my desires and whims?

It might help to understand that physical reality is the creation of ongoing non-physical momentum applied in a time space reality and that while yes, it is absolutely possible to rework the rules as one sees fit, there is the fact that these momentums, behind the concepts of eating nutritiously, and exercising, as well as thinking positively and abstaining from drugs, alcohol and anything that might be considered addictive or even “Low vibe” in the current 3d reality, these momentums were our creation as well. What has become abundantly clear to me during this ascension process is that manifestations do not typically occur in irrational or random ways. The way we manifest things into our lives is through a combination of action, thought, and emotion. Further, it is generally true that we manifest things that are “the next logical step”, as opposed to vibrating a million dollars from thin air. This notion of “the next logical step” can also be explained as manifestations occurring in ways that make sense to our consciousness. 

The New Earth, as 5d is often called, is a place of love and kindness, and abundance. I am now understanding the manifestation of new earth from the very logical view that, of course, there will be no poverty if we all provide for one another. Homelessness, as I have come to understand, is the result of people ignoring one another. Put it this way: if we were to take 20 people, along the spectrum of socio economic class and intellectual capability, and set them the task of providing love and support for a homeless individual, we might easily see how there was never a need for homelessness to begin with. That if we pool our resources, and act from love and compassion, everybody can be abundantly provided for, emotionally and materially. Thus begins an unfolding process of “fixing” all of the world's problems. Through the very very logical methods of kindness and compassion. We might realize that the answers to many, if not all, of the 3rd Dimension's problems, were right in front of our faces all along. This realization might be followed by a sudden and profound understanding about just how deluded we had become during our travels in 3d to have missed such an obvious solution.

In the 5d earth, individuals and the collective act from a vibration of love, and this manifests in many miraculous ways. Abundance is a guaranteed for all. Resources are an integral part of the new societal structure. Needs are met, and that is just part of how we construct our cities and communities. From the 5d perspective, it will not occur to us to charge money for food, housing or transportation. These things are unanimously agreed upon by “evolved” versions of ourselves, who are aware of the oneness of all beings, and whose actions and decisions reflect our true value as divine conscious creators. We are no longer living in a reality where we accept anything less than what we desire to create for ourselves. And who really desires hardship or lack? Isn't this whole process about seeing past those things?

To discuss healing then, from a 5d perspective, we needn’t talk about medicines, or even herbs or acupuncture. We go right to the source: beliefs. 5th-dimensional healing is all about anchoring in higher perspective beliefs. Beliefs that reflect love and well-being. This means we simply do not believe in illness anymore. So medications are out of the question. Medications imply illness, and where there is no illness, there is no medication.

So it is at this part in the ascension journey, the part in which we have ceased energy healing, ceased taking herbal supplements and anything else that might imply that there was something wrong in the first place - it is at this part that we are tasked with really, and deeply re-evaluating our beliefs about our physical world.  Where we begin to reject mainstream thought on medicine and healing. Where we fully embody the reality that we are the creators, as opposed to victims of a cruel world in which something like a cancer diagnosis could randomly befall us. We are tasked with changing beliefs about our vulnerability and true power, our government, medical and religious institutions be damned.

Refusing old paradigms and reintegrating new understandings about things which have seemed to us prior to be all but facts of life is not for the faint of heart. Especially when we’re talking about the ascension pioneers, the light workers undertaking the task of ascending without the benefit of knowing exact directions or instructions. The ascension path is truly a process which is being created as we go, day by day, by individuals and collectives of spiritual seekers and light workers.

You may reach a point like I have, in which you are ready to start really pushing the envelope. You are ready to test out your new powers as sovereign creators. You want to take this baby for a test drive. However, when I think about what prompts a desire to plunge deeply into the rabbit hole in regards to the ability to manipulate and bend the rules of our physical world, I see that it is likely fear. The idea that I would need to bend the rules affirms the belief that I have done something out of alignment in the first place, which would warrant and necessitate such bold attempts. Can I manifest a miraculous integration of this hot fudge sundae with my creator powers? Perhaps. First, ask yourself why you would have eaten something that you would then have to miraculously integrate in the first place? Is a miraculous integration of that hot fudge sundae the next logical step? Why do I feel I must change or fix this circumstance anyway? Oh yeah, because eating that hot fudge sundae was out of alignment with what I knew to be in my highest good in the first place. 

I am not saying that there won’t be a point in this ascension process in which the next logical step is manifesting physical matter out of thin air, or to experience levitation or unaided flight with our physical body. None of us are quite sure how and when our new abilities will present. I am fairly certain that most of us perceive that there will be new miraculous abilities present in 5d. Why? Because we are creating it, and if we are creating it, why wouldn’t we create some badass abilities like telekineses, flight or teleportation in our new 5d reality. However, it would be prudent to maintain the understanding that the ascension process is a process in which we are shedding behaviors and beliefs that are out of alignment with our highest good. Which means, yes, you guessed it, passing on that sugary treat or alcoholic beverage. Not merely partaking and then transmuting it after fact. If you realize that the desire for these types of pleasures very likely comes from the desire to soothe ongoing painful situations or belief systems, then we understand that transmuting or miraculously integrating things we know are bad for us is not the answer; adjusting the painful situation or belief system is.

I must say that as we get deeper into the ascension process, we are confronted with deeper and more profound misalignments, and this can be quite painful and difficult, as we may not feel prepared to make those adjustments, especially when all we can currently see are painful and unappealing options for addressing those things, such as taking risks in career and relationship matters. We might be reassured in remembering that the true solutions should come from a place of love, and will almost always feel quite good and exciting, as they are to in alignment with our highest selves. Any potential solutions that feel overwhelmingly bad or painful likely stem from a place of fear anyhow, and reaffirm belief in separation, lack or inability. These types of decisions are the ones we are learning to do away with, and will likely just compound the energy of a bad situation and make it worse. This should provide you with some comfort as you begin to venture in your deepest 3d misalignments, though I would add that sometimes it does get worse before it gets better. When the pain of addressing a situation from a misaligned perspective becomes too much to bear, it is often then that we find ourselves dovetailing with solutions that truly reflect and affirm the highest good for all aspects of a situation.


  1. I love this article you've written Todd, it's very interesting to read and absorb, you have a talent for writing & a great understanding of the ascension process xxx

  2. Truly enjoyed the article as well as YouTube. It all makes sense Just gitcatctge appropriate time

  3. I'm really starting to have some serious doubts about any of this Fifth Dimensional Ascension business. I've been working for a few months now on what I felt was a spiritual awakening of some kind. The more of this higher vibration stuff I hear, the more I start to think it's just another excuse for one group of humans to look down their noses at another or scam money from each other.

    Money won't make a difference to me. Would I love to manifest it? I guess, yeah. But what I truly want is PROOF!!! Because I really can't swallow that I woke up one day and decided to have fun with diabetes, puke my face off with a gluten allergy, or enjoy fibromyalgia pain every f#€king day. Seriously, somebody prove to me, in any way, that when this sh*tastic existence ends, there's any hope on the other side. I double dog dare ya. But it's probably just that my dumb, un-unconditionally-loveable @ss vibrates at too low of a frequency to possibly understand, right?


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